Source Code

Below is some source code I have written. Most of it is either in C or C++. The tarballs include Makefiles and should compile as long as you have the necessary libraries. All of the code below is in the public domain unless stated otherwise.

Like my code or have a request for a program? Consider offering me a job! E-mail is the best way to contact me. Have a look at my CV. If you cannot or will not offer me a job, please consider visiting my sponsors. Ad revenue is a highly motivating factor to write additional free codes.


Handwritten Digit Recognition

Numerical Methods


  • PDE Visuals: Two programs using C++ and OpenGL to visualize solutions to the 2D heat/diffusion equation and the 2D wave equation with Dirichlet boundry conditions. The heat equation is solved using finite differences with the Peaceman-Rachford method, while the wave equation is approximated with a Fourier series solution. Requires: OpenGL and GLUT.

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